Gebäude des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts

70th anniversary of the Federal Administrative Court

Festakt 1953

The federal legislature established a supreme federal court for the field of general administrative jurisdiction by the Act on the Federal Administrative Court (Gesetz über das Bundesverwaltungsgericht) of 23 September 1952. On 8 June 1953, the Federal Administrative Court was inaugurated in the building of the former Prussian Higher Administrative Court on Hardenbergstraße 31 in Berlin.

In celebration of the 70th anniversary of this historic event, the Federal Administrative Court hosts an anniversary symposium at its current seat in Leipzig on 8 June 2023.

An opening ceremony will be followed by a specialist programme with three panel discussions on the subsequent topics:

I. The establishment of administrative jurisdiction in the young Federal Republic

II. Expectations towards the administrative jurisdiction in a state governed by the rule of law in the 21st century

III. Expediting at any cost - Will legal protection fall by the wayside?

The panels with top-class representatives from the judiciary, politics, academics, advocacy and the media will discuss the topics from different perspectives.