The president is the head of the Federal Administrative Court. She or he is the hierarchical superior of the judges as well as the non-judicial personnel of the Court with regard to personnel matters. Her or his duties also include those of a judge.
The judges at the Federal Administrative Court discharge their judicial duties in senates. The roster allocating court business assigns responsibilities to each senate.
The judge assisting the president addresses issues of personnel and court administration on behalf of the President.
The Court administration supports the president and the senates in the discharge of their duties. It is divided into the administrative department, the registry, the library, the legal documentation and the department for external relations.
There are a number of committees within the Federal Administrative Court. They are assigned different tasks:
The board rules on the Court's roster allocating court business.
The consultative council for judicial appointments is a body through which the judiciary participates in the appointment of judges and promotion decisions.
The council of judges represents the interests of the judges and the staff council the interests of all other employees in certain personnel, organisational and social matters.
At the Federal Administrative Court, representative bodies for the interests of severely disabled employees as well as young employees and apprentices are elected.